Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hooray!  I survived 3 days of detox....10# and now I can add real tasty foods back in.  I hope it keeps melting away.....I am ready for CHANGE!

Koda goes to MEPS on Monday to have the foot appt.  The recruiter sounded much more optimistic when we last talked.....said he will be measured and probably just fitted for special boots and inserts.  He graduates in just 15 days!
Jake is on the honor roll, just filled out papers for football = happy boy.
Stevie is doing great, growing again - Dear Lord please keep him small enough to fit a normal bed!, back to the surgeon today for a re-check - he can finally lift his own arm again- amazing how long it takes to heal and regain strength!
 Steve II is working some side jobs too now making some extra cash.  We have a goal.....hopefully he stays on my team and we can achieve it.
I am cleaning 3 nights a week after work..great work out too!!

I am going to see my MOMMY this weekend.....and I am so excited.  Love that she can travel since she is retired but I sure do miss her.


1 comment:

beth said...

yeah, yeah, yeah, and YEAH!!! :0)

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