Monday, May 10, 2010

new me?

let's see how this goes....hoping it will be the magic I need.
Starting my second job - working M, W, F $60 bucks a week/ cash 530-730pm
Starting a new food plan....worked magic for a hometown girl I talked to lost over a 100#s since Sept!

ugh, today is day 1 of a 3 day cleanse......I can eat oatmeal, lettuce and burger.....YUM! all day long only those 3 things over and over...and I am supposed to eat once every 2 hours.
One packet of oatmeal down and a bottle of to eat burger and lettuce.

I am optimistic....hopeful....and ready to find the me inside this fluff. :-)
I need cheerleaders!!


Jill H said...

yay, Kandi!!! you can do it!!!

it's so hard but you will feel great :)


p.s. - I'm not one to talk since I've stunk at eating well over the last few days, but I do know how good I feel when I eat non-processed foods and even though it's hard it's worth it!

beth said...

Go Kandi Go!!! Rah rah rah!!! :)

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