Friday, February 03, 2006

sick day

Ok- today is my sick day! Didn't get much rest last night....I do believe I have been poisoned by Wendy's chili. I was feeling ucky from the cold stuff I am fighting yesterday so I decided maybe warm chili would be good for lunch ...a few bites in to it -I stated to a co-worker that it tasted 'yucky'...then I tried to cut a larger piece of burger and saw it was RED and raw inside. I threw it out immediately BUT....felt not so good all afternoon (assumed it was the cold), got home....AND stomach started hurting like never before.....that's it!! Just a stomach ache with severe coming and going stabbing pains!! all night long.....finally fell asleep around 4AM! I was walking, rocking, laying, sitting, pacing.....ugh it would not stop! Steve thought for certain it was my appendix or gall bladder but I am truly thinking it is just the chili or a bug. NO MORE CHILI FOR THIS CHIC!
So, on a happier note...going to try to grab a nap...clean a little and work on a few crafty things.
Heading for a weekend.


Kristin said...

I sure hope you feel back to normal soon. There is nothing worse than stomach cramps...and I definitely know what they feel like.

Beth said...

Hope you're feeling better today! When Mom is down and out all hell breaks loose ;)

Jill H said...

icky, hope you're feeling better by now...Maria has a yucky cough/cold thing going on and I feel it coming to get me now...:(


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