Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all !!
Enjoy your blessings today !!
and a favorite quote of mine.............
"And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more. "~Dr. Seuss
Sunday, December 23, 2007
What is this?
Koda loved holding and talking to Gaven....well until he cries, poops, spits, etc. He was so funny holding and talking to the baby!! Jake held him briefly but more loved to just watch him!!
"does he just sleep?"
That was our fun and excitement yesterday!! Today I started very early 645am at Meijer- groceries and last minute things!!
Tomorrow and Tuesday belong to us......except Steve is working today and tomorrow.
Christmas traditions............Movies or bowling on Christmas afternoon!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
new email
It was like Christmas here today a week early.....new cable channels....speedy cable internet .......and unlimited long distance!!
Late night....wrestling meet tonight! Koda did a great job but lost his match!! I told him to pretend the opponent is Jake or Steve and he will kick butt!! LOL
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Pretty in Pink
....sorry boys!
Well, we survived the weekend travels- our venture home on Sunday was less than fun!! Our normal 2 hour trip lasted well over 3 !! 127 was one lane of somehwat plowed yet drifty snow....ugh. A semi in front of us almost lost it....but HE must have been watching over this driver and his load because he amazingly recovered - although I can tell you- it made him slow down a bit and think!!
I left my memory card in the pc - as I had put in in to clear the card and forgot about it- we got to the Christmas celebration and I pulled out my camera to find- NO CARD! UGH. I let my brother take the pics....but I think we missed many! ugh. I SOOO miss the group shots but with the older kids they seem to come and go as quick as they can. Hopefully Bill will share those that he did get!!
Wrestling meet at home this week- wednesday. Koda is kind of pumped....he hopes to wrestle the same guy he did at the last meet against them because it was a tight match but Koda lost. He thinks he can do better...we will see. It is fun seeing him strive to learn something new- he is normally the kid that does not like to adventure out and try new things if he does not think he can master it quickly.
**Our email is going to change soon!! I will post again and email everyone. I am switching to comcast cable....their bundles deals are amazing and will save me a chunk every month!! Phone, cable tv and internet for $99 !! Mom, ,my phone service will now include unlimited long distance so I will be canelling TransWorld too.
Better get ready to go to work....1/2 day today as I had to go do 'the girly appt' today. Made the appt for 830am was out by 10 and went shopping at Meijer. Spent my Christmas cash from Foote. They had the Crop In Style XXL Tote on clearance for 50.00!! (The big square box one- hoping I can fill it and clean up my computer area!!) Sorted out lots for a lady at work- he daughter is just getting started and Mom is a single Mom....and I had so much that I no longer use.....filled a box with paper and one with goodies!! Pay it forward!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
busy weekend ahead
Tonight travel up.
Tomorrow brunch with family and gifting!!
Taking Alyssa to the mall to shop for her daddy.
Making dinner for my Dad- he is hankering for sketti!! Cooking for one is no fun and a pot of sketti is tough to make for just one.
Going to see the musical Christmas lights in Grand Haven.
Sunday- home and work!! PAYROLL!!
Look who is not going to be left behind!! Packing to go away this weekend and she made a bed in my totebag!! So then I carried her around in it as I was packing and she loves it!! Silly girl. ( and just a note- her head is NOT squished....just looks that way!! LOL)
Have a great weekend everyone.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Great Concert
I love my new camera- could not believe the awesome pics I got! Thank you Santa!!
The concert for those who read and were not along for the fun...Jake Owen, Little Big Town and Sugarland. AWESOME show.
I must say- I think I felt my age on Friday!! The concert got over around 11 so I was in bed around midnight but up for work at 5am- this OLD lady felt like I had a hangover all day on Friday- work was NO FUN!! I felt tired and whiny all day. ( YES! Mom, just like the old days after a slumber party- remember those days girls?)
YUMMY Jake Owen
Little Big Town
I finally have a start on my Christmas shopping. Steve and I went again this morning. I took back the BIG item that I had ordered online- but found THE ONE that I REALLY wanted today. Yeah, that helped me get in the Christmas mood. Still have a long way to go.
Christmas is next weekend at my brother Bill's house. (Mom, have your phone charged and ON - we will call after NOON)
My baby girl is sick. She started acting weird Thursday night- coughing, gagging, etc. Still doing it on Friday-Steve took her to the vet- they kept her until 530- xrays showed no obstruction- she has tonsillitis and an upper respiratory infection! Antibiotics, steroids x 7 days and back for a checkup next Friday. I never thought that she would be so much like having another kid!
Hope you all have an awesome weekend!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
What's new?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Happenings at the Barton's
Just a few shots of my nightly battle with my toddler...We are almost to our birthday!! Dec 13th Riley will turn 1 !! LOL
- "Riley, get out from under that tree!"
- she barks at the bulb
- " No biting the bulbs and lights on the tree"
- The bulb falls- she looks at it like "what is that doing here? wasn't me!!"
- Then she hides from Mom
Wrestling has begun. Tomorrow night we head to Stockbridge- first meet. Koda will wrestle JV at 215#. I cannot beleive that! He weighs 191 just 2 over the class below the 215#. Yep, we are hiding the pudding and snack cakes from Mr. Wrestler now! This will keep us busy into February!!
The other 2 boys- school, daily grind, band, and socializing of course - 6th grade camp coming up and Steve decided he does not want to go- we decided not to force the issue.
Christmas is fast approaching.....very little shopping done here. Must get busy!! :-) Is everyone done shopping? Have anything yet? Have lists from the boys...kind of.
Heading over to catch up on blogs.....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Steve II- his 2nd pair- and a litle stronger now.
Riley is donning her new attire as well- but she is being held tightly therefore you cannot see it. Grandma- she LOVES IT!! She stands waiting for it to be put on her then prances through the house and yard - but she does NOT want it off. **Grandma made her a fleece shawl that will keep my 'no undercoat' puppy warm in Michigan!!
Crazy week at work. Dad got blood tests back that all show the levels are now back to normal. YEAH and we have not heard from the CT scan yet. Beginning to lean towards a reaction to the cortisone shot they gave him in his knee the day before the fevers started ?? (he needs a new knee soon- however he is joining the snowbirds in SC come Feb and he does not want to be down then= so maybe afterwards? he is a MAN and he will do it when HE wants to! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. When I count my blessings, I count each of you TWICE.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
old mother (Barton) Hubbard's freezer..........
No poker winners either- but they had fun.
Dad goes tomorrow for a CT scan of his abdomen....he seems to be feeling better but NOT good. Keep ya'll posted.
Rushed back home today and worked 3 hours already....so off I go to unpack and rest a little before a crazy week. Half the office staff is off this week so it should be FUN!
TTFN :-)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Goodbye Boys
Yes, I have been to deer camp BUT never overnight!! and when dark falls I am eagerly waiting to go......
10 reasons that I do not go to deer camp
- It is cold- inside and out!!
- No electricty - in the past they offered me the generator- no thanks then I can see what is out there lurking
- No running water - hello ? No shower for 4 days? ICK
- Scary wild animals lurk in the dark -cougars, bear, coyote, and more! ( I have proof)
- No plans to go slave over the other men too
- miles from civilization
- 10x the # of burping and farting men - no thanks.
- I can't play poker
- Sitting for hours in a tree or blind just watching and waiting-I would be thinking and making lists and miss the shot for sure...give me idle time I make to - do lists or remember this! lists
- An outhouse in the dark? need I say more?
But on the other hand, I am envious and would love to .......1. be in the woods to take pics 2. listen to nature 3. enjoy campfires 4. have to snuggle with my honey to stay warm 5. get to see the wild life up close 6. see my boys in action ready for the hunt 7. be there to see them drag in their first kill 8. Laugh out loud with all their stories .........so would I ever go? YES
A 4 pt and a 5 pt were taken so far from guys at camp but not by my group. Hoping today will be THEIR day!
Steve II and I are heading north to check in on Grandpa (my dad) and deep clean his house. (he has been very sick for 2+ weeks and they still cannot figure out what it is? fevers, sweats, lost 12 lbs, no energy, high white count, high glucose and liver enzymes) More blood tests today, CT scan and dr appt Monday!! ugh.
Have a great weekend hope your hunters are lucky!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
our weekend
Deer camp in the Manistee National Forrest near Rothbury, MI. I love this place- although I would never have the desire to stay all night!! I love the fact that my family has been hunting there together for years and now my boys are all old enough to join the fun!!
My boys all went to deer camp to get it cleaned up and ready for opening day!!
My Dad, Steve and Jake
The neighbor's camper .
My boys will all be leaving me on Nov 13th and heading for camp. Steve II is too young this year but he is going to hang out with Grandpa. I will go up on the weekend to my dad's and hope to hear about all the BIG deer they are taking.
This is from my weekend with the girls in Spring Lake.....we had FUN! Pages and cards and even a little something for my cubicle at work....and loads of laughs and fun! I even slept in until 830 one morning- that may be a record!!