Sunday, March 04, 2007

a happy post

this weekend has totally rejuvenated my happy- ness - I so needed it.

Things that made me happy this weekend-

1. a trip to Walmart to get photos developed alone Friday night- all alone....relaxing!!
2. a SUPER DUPER large pop for my crop party
3. Croppin with the girls all day on Saturday
4. Creating a 6x6 album of my Riley girl
5. Taking the boys to the movies
6. Laughing my tail off at the movie, Wild Hogs
7. Taking all 3 boys with me to get groceries and they all got along- dad got to relax a little.
8. Hanging out, watching the Breakfast Club on a Sunday afternoon ( I remember dressing, talking and being like them!! LOL)
9. Getting a call from my Gram asking us to come for dinner (bring pizzas) and RILEY!
10. my boys just talking about life, old memories and funny times

Oh I feel like I could go on and on today......yeah!! The sun is shining too!!

The week ahead-
Work M-F
Heading north to take care of my dad for a week
Orthodontist appt for Koda (the tin grin will soon be in!!)
Make a family pic appt!
Making dinner for the Hamlins


Beth said...

Yeah for your happy-ness!

Jill H said...

aww, fun happy list!!

Kristin said...

Glad you were able to recharge your batteries. I'm really bummed I couldn't share some laughs with the girls at Saturday's scrap-a-thon.

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