Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Labor Day

Happy School Starts Tomorrow Day -
to all of us parents that are so ready for the schedules!!
I am not a good person for an unscheduled - go as you please days. I feel ill when the day passes and nothing was accomplished. Am I ill? I think so, but I know others just like me...confess. LOL Although once in awhile I do enjoy a day of R & R but I usually plan those...LOL

What a week coming-
Tuesday -
Mom- going to work at 1pm - making sure everyone gets to the correct place- and using some comp hours up
Koda- school starts - hoping the Advil 600mg keep him comfy enough he can tolerate his desk seat! (he broke his tailbone- LOL)
Jake- school starts- he is nervous! After school he has his football physical.
Steve- school starts- riding the bus and learning the ropes as he will start his day long after all of us.

first full day of school for all 3

hope everyone gets the hang of catching the bus, finding their classes and homework

No work for mom. Get everyone off to school, eye appt for mom and then off to meet Mom and Barb for the fall girls getaway- craft weekend.

Return on Sunday- have to work on Sunday after the long weekend...ugh. Payroll Monday comes quickly and everyone wants to be paid. LOL

Did you all get the invite to the all day crop in Jax? Oct 6 or something - anyone planning to come? let me know asap.

Learn any awesome lunch packing tricks, treats or ideas...pass them along.
I made BIG chocolate chip cookies for lunches yesterday morning- one per kid per lunch!!


Beth said...

SO glad they are back in school! Good luck staying organized...I'm trying...not sure how successful I'll be!

Kristin said...

I too like the schedules....but boy is it hard to get everything done when you are working all day! I know you guys do it all year but for us slackers it takes awhile for the schedule thing to set in.

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