Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Beth saves the day!
It was 4ish this afternoon when I called Beth and we were chatting away and I finishing things up ...mainly cleaning off my cluttered desk....walking around in my cubicle as I talked....I was reaching down to get something out of a file when I caught the back of my pant leg on the corner of my metal drawer...SURE ENOUGH....slick as a whistle...my pants tore...a straight line across the back of my thigh!!! UGH I was devastated....what was I to do???? then on the other end of the line Beth giggled just a little and then very calmly asked if I had any packing tape??? Packing tape??? then explained for me to go in the bathroom, turn my pants inside out and put packing tape over the tear and it should hold long enough for me to get home.
I did just that!! IT WORKED...and no one even knew what happened! HA!
Thanks Beth- you saved the day again!! Ok, I owe you ........................BIG!
Pack a roll of packing tape for vacation!!
Sunday, January 29, 2006

A New Haircut.....decided to give Beth's stylist a try today...and I think I love her. She is great and a sweet personality too! I have been struggling along for over a year looking for someone with creativity and knowledge. Can you believe that I am so fussy? I think it may have something to do with me being licensed ......makes me more critical? I am on my way back to long hair...she is so awesome, she even reinforced that long hair can be worn by middle aged women....my old stylist told me that at 35ish it was time to do away with the ponytails and long hair....so I tried short hair. I sooo miss the flexibility of long hair...in a rush, pull it up or back! Short hair...you have to style it or it looks like heck. Thanks Beth for the referral.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Boring blog
Need blogging suggestions
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

For once we are hoping for strikes......... Oh! my dad and brothers will be proud. As a kid, the boys in my family were huge bowlers. ( I am the only girl and the baby...I was at dance when they were bowling) Now Lil Steve has picked up the sport and loves it. He is pretty darn good at it too for just starting! This is just his second week of bowling on the league....he bowled 2 games tonight ....a 94 and a 87. I couldn't bowl that if I was wearing my luckiest shoes with my four leaf clover tucked in my hat!
Go Steve Go!
Miracle Morning!

Miracles do happen! It is 656 am and everyone ...everyone of them are ready to go! All they need are coats and backpacks and we are out the door! I just had to share the miracle with you all...Way 2 GO Boys!
I explained to them this morning that I have to take them to school and make it to work by 8am....usually I take them across town to Tammy and they ride to school with her....this gives me time to make it to work without sweating bullets....well, today I will be flying out to Robinson Rd and then back downtown trying to make it to the clock by 8! I hear you all cheering me on.....thanks.
Monday, January 23, 2006
What R U Reading?
I must admit.....the books right now are just passing the time as I amxiously await the delivery of my new SIZZIX SIZZLITS ALPHABET! Then I will be cutting letters, and number like there is no tomorrow. When is the next crop?
Sunday, January 22, 2006
goodnight and goodbye weekend
Wishing you all a great work-week. ( I look forward to Friday!)
Guess who is addicted??
CLASSIC ALPHABET set, which includes 35 DIES that make 140 SHAPES! With this set you get 4 times the value, because you receive the uppercase letters and shadows, lowercase letters and shadows, numbers and shadows and the punctuation and shadows! YEAH ladies I will be sharing at the next crop outing!!
Beth- you can borrow at the end of the week for the weekend if you want.....I know I will be going letter nuts for a day or two! I love that it is upper and lower with shadows and numbers and puncuation! C'mon- send it my way!

Lovin my sidekick!
Just when I thought

...that our son was BIG for HIS AGE- he meets GODZILLA on the opposing team! Poor Jake was jumping and jumping trying to guard this young man....and the guy would just look down at him and smugly grin...and yeas that lit Jake up! The tall fellar was always standing under the basket ready to shoot, or should I say tip it in...there is no doubt in my mind that the big league is watching this one already! Good try Jake!
Thank you!
Had a great time scrapbooking yesterday! The birthday goodies from Kristin, our very cool ribbons created by Jill , and Beth our coordinator! What an awesome group of scrappin gals! Thanks also to the awesome Mom and Rex for allowing us to move over to their house to continue cropping! I had a lot of fun and got some projects completed....when are we going again?? I am ready! Maybe we should head to Pages In Time?
I just got a letter from Crazy Croppin Chics up north if anyone is interested? I believe it is in Spring Lake...all meals and lodging included....Holiday Inn overlooking Spring Lake. The getaway is in March.
Thanks again ladies. I needed the creative jump start!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Rough and Tough?
UGH-I of course said bad, because then the good will help ease the prior bad news. He blurted out " Well I hit someone and got in trouble! BUT>>>> good news, I get to stay in from recess the rest of the week and that's it."
I truly was shocked! He is not my aggressive child...at all.
However, the storyline goes....Jake approached 3 kids that were talking (free time in class) 2 being girls that are good freinds of his and one boy. The boy told Jake to Go AWAY- and Jake asked "why?" and the kid slugged him in the stomach. Jake was embarassed and mad so he walked away and sat on his desk. Those old male genes were kicking....he was embarassed and mad....this kid punched him AND in front of girls...so he walked back over and said "Don't hit me, unless you want it back!" and slugged the kid in the stomach back! Well, the boy went and told....now Jake is in trouble.
The topper of this....the teacher sent home a typed note to explain the incident and his disappointment in our son that he was feeling- WHATEVER!!....as I was reading I started laughing loudly(in private- no kids)....OK, Kyle Hamlin, so Paragon does stink....they cannot even afford computers with spell check...there were 5 typos in the letter the TEACHER sent home. I wanted to circle the errors and send it back- but Steve wouldn't let me....lol My kids are growing UP too fast!! HELP!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Caution Ahead
BTW- I have not been able to post for two nights......blogger did not like me or my posts!
I will get caught up here soon.
Ladies- the sidekick is available for all to use.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
and another ....
Saturday, January 14, 2006
steppin up

Finally! I bought the Sizzix sidekick. I love it. Thank you Beth and JoAnn's. Beth invited me to join her at lunch for a lunch hour trip to Joann's as we had 50% off coupons. I sat thinking as the morning passed waiting to go..... debating what I wanted with a 50% off coupon! I decided I was going to give in and get a Sizzix. Since you all have the big machine...I decided to go with the Sidekick. :-) I went back today with another coupon and got the Sizzlit set shown above....LOVE IT! Going back tomorrow again for another set at 50% off..thinking the birthday or flower set. For those of you unaware....all the Sizzlit sets I am sepaking of are Doodlebug designs and I am a Doodlebug JUNKIE! Love it all....actually cannot say I have found a Doodlebug thing I have not awwed or ooohed over....or just broke down and had to have!! NOW I am hoping the birthday fairy will grant my one wish for an alphabet set! Or at least the GCs so I can justify that purchase too.
I will bring my new toy to share when we crop next!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ready to scrabook again? Anyone for this Friday night again? The girls from work...a group of them are all planning to go to The Scrapbook Store? Any takers?
God love my angel of a hubby- he said 'GO FOR IT!' I was unsure- of course I would have to if my friends were coming!
We may just plan to go up north otherwise.
Let me know if anyone wants to go.
Monday, January 09, 2006
luckiest gal in the world
Have a good night!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
they day was going so good and then.....

I woke this morning and was on a roll....made brownies, had a healthy breakfast, made my meatloaf and had it in the fridge so we could go spend the afternoon with Gram...paid all my bills....meanwhile Steve and Kody ran to Lowe's, grabbed a new fixture, had it hung up and when they were cleaning up...it happened......
Steve sliced his thumb and Kody freaked! It was a bleeder!! He had it all over(spattered all over the kitchen, his face, the ceiling and UGH!).....the say he nicked an artery! EWWWWW! He got 6 stitches and Tetanus shot, I thought he was going down twice....but he survived. A little ghostly and whooped but he is home chillin. Poor Sluggo...for any of you who have seen the Blue Collar Comedy tour....you'll understand his new nickname! LOL
We still made the visit with Gram....played a 2 1/2 hr game of Scrabble and I WON! :-) I missed most of the sunshine today....or I was in the van rolling here and there...BUT I did see it! Hope everyone else had a good Sunday!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
happy pictures
January 2006

Here it is Miss Beth! This is my January 2006 layout for my CK calendar! I am very excited about having it ready to put up at work on Monday. BTW- I had a blast scrapbooking Last night with Beth, Kristin, Jill and a few new friends that scrapbook from work, Bethany, Jeffin and Kathie. Kristin, I sure hope the get together helped make your day special. It was a hoot. Always love the laughs we share! And of to watch all the creativity....love it.
I have been working on my scrapbook.com blog and gallery today. Have you all been to visit? I believe I sent invites to all....I love it over there too....loads of fun scrapbook blogs and galleries to search. Come one come all...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Calendar FUN

Thought I would share my latest creation. It's my desktop calendar! First is the cover, the second is actually the inisde right page and the other is the left page. I have added a family photo to the larger tag. This was a simple project....inspired by simplysentiments. I used my calendar stamp to make the monthly calendars. :-)
Monday, January 02, 2006
How time flies....
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year
Facebook Badge
- Beth saves the day!
- Sizzlits
- Haircut
- Boring blog
- Miracle Morning!
- What R U Reading?
- goodnight and goodbye weekend
- Guess who is addicted??
- Lovin my sidekick!
- Just when I thought
- Thank you!
- Rough and Tough?
- Caution Ahead
- and another ....
- steppin up
- Crop?
- luckiest gal in the world
- they day was going so good and then.....
- happy pictures
- January 2006
- Calendar FUN
- How time flies....
- Happy New Year