Ready to scrabook again? Anyone for this Friday night again? The girls from work...a group of them are all planning to go to The Scrapbook Store? Any takers?
God love my angel of a hubby- he said 'GO FOR IT!' I was unsure- of course I would have to if my friends were coming!
We may just plan to go up north otherwise.
Let me know if anyone wants to go.
As much as I WANT to go, I don't know if I can get away with another Friday night this week. I'll see if I can get a read on the hubby!
I'm not going to push my luck and ask for another night out so soon...I am proabably going to hold out for a Kandi's birthday outing in February. Thanks!
I'm out.
I think we're going to stay at Gary's folks' house this weekend to check on the place (in BFE).
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