Monday, December 28, 2009
I think I will post these at home!!
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.
- Aldous Huxley
If you can find something everyone agrees on, it's wrong.
- Mo Udall
Sunday, December 20, 2009
much better.....
I made peanut butter fudge and chocolate cashew yesterday. Today I made peanut butter n jelly cookies, peanut butter, I am working on million monster cookies, brownies and regular chocolate fudge!
Steve went out again this morning to try to fill the rest of the freezer...he saw fresh tracks but no luck!! Maybe tonight?
The boys stayed the night at Jody and Bryan's - XBOX360 wars. Today they are going bowling!
My week at a glance....
- complete and total craziness at work tomorrow and Tuesday!!
- New phones for all staff on Monday
- and HUGE computer upgrades for all staff on Tuesday!!
- Kids are out of school
- Dad goes to the U of M on Tuesday - thanks Aunt Shar and Uncle Dick, they are taking him.....he goes for another MRI and to see the surgeon about the mass they discovered.
- Hoping to hear from the doctor about Koda's PFT - he does seem to be a little better since I decided to add Delsym into his meds.
- I am off Thursday - Sunday!! Steve has to work Thurs and Sat which puts a kabosh to any travels.
- Looks like we will have wither a white or soggy Christmas....we will see.
- Plans to go see Sherlock Holmes on Christmas day!
Do you have BIG plans this week?
Saturday, December 19, 2009
what a start....
and THEN.....Jake went to the basement freezer for me......WATER in the basement....NO!!
*pipe = shower drain leaking and is actually separated. We were is Christmas by all means.....we have no handy man Thankfully my hubby is a handy man is fixed and didn't cost us a penny! The ring was warped and it just pulled apart!! YES, I am singing praises and thanking the Lord!! I need a break...seems the past 2 weeks have just plain been an overload of negative and my shoulders are SOOOOO heavy!! Time to shed some of the grief.
Lucky enough to have an awesome friend that checks in on me routinely and keeps me looking up and reminding me that I am strong!! Thank you !!
Now on to the fun stuff.....Jake and I made a double batch of creamy peanut butter fudge and now I made a single batch of chocolate cashew fudge. (Thanks Gram for the cashews!!)
and then I ran out of sugar!! OH well. Minor issue. I will make way to grab some more in a bit!!
Steve just took the kids to his sister's so the boys could hang out and play with their cousins for a couple hours...they love to have huge XBOX 360 tournaments together. We have all been so busy no time to get them was perfect!!
The foot is SORE! I have been on the GO a lot this week and not been caring for it as much as I should and surely cannot sleep with the boot on all night long! It is hot and bulky!!
Koda had his pulmonary function test yesterday....he hopes to never have to go through that again....he says he now believes he is claustrophobic.....they closed him in a capsule and did several breathing tests and some made him panic.....felt like he was out of air and was suffocating!! Scary!! We should get results back this week.
Dad goes back to the U of M on Tuesday.....they have determined he has a mass on his spine which has been his issue all along. Looks like surgery soon and they are pushing for VERY soon!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
McKessy Christmas
Here is the entire crew!! Minus a few puppies.
Part of the ride up was a bit crazy....we saw 4 cars go into the ditch near Coopersville....but we stayed on the road and made fairly good time. Forgot 2 things ....napkins and part of Gram's gift. Not bad. And we all left home without a house key. My hubby the outlaw had to break in and scary enough, it took about 3 minutes....either he is a PRO or my house is not very
All in all a good Christmas with family! Starbucks giftcard and Warm Vanilla Sugar set from Bath & Body Works......made me a happy girl.
Off to watch Bedtime Stories with JT!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
new boot for Christmas?
I slipped 2 weeks ago on the basement steps...I knew something was not right....I felt a pop and burn when I did it!!
I finally got in to see the ortho dr on Monday....I have a torn Achilles tendon! it is 2/3 of the way torn...trying to let it heal now without tearing the rest of the way.....if it tears the rest of the way for certain. I had 2 choices...a cast or a walking cast. I chose the walking cast which means I can take it off to shower.
I am in the boot for 6-8 weeks.....depending on how I am healing......
No laundry duty for me!!
Monday, December 07, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving (belated)
Yesterday I was off work and I did almost NOTHING! I stayed off my ankle and watched movies....cleaned out many little 'stuff it' spots in my is amazing how nice it looks today. and my ankle feels better today and not as swollen.
Today I am planning to work with my men in getting some Christmas decorations up (maybe even the tree) as wrestling seasin has started which means life will now be on hold. I am also going to try hard to get the pic of my guys and my little lady for our Christmas cards....I have an idea in my head and I really want to make it work!! We will see and I will post the pics here.....or at least all the silly ones it takes to get that ONE good one. (actually I may surprise them and print the silliest one this year!!)
Tomorrow plans include baby back ribs......that's all I have listed so far!! :-) Ok, maybe some Christmas list making!! I have my cards all made and ready to start shipping!!
*Mom- we will all be together for our Christmas on Sunday, Dec 13th! Have that phone on....and could you send me the # to Noel's - could not find it and wasn't able to reach you on Thanksgiving on your phone. :-( Miss you. XO
Saturday, November 21, 2009
hunting vs crafting
Now today.....running and running. made dinner for the hunters. Ran into work to write down my schedule (psst. I work tomorrow and FRIDAY!) Tomorrow from 9a-230p. Then FRIDAY (day after Thanksgiving shoppers!!) 530p-10p. It isn't too bad. I like the customer service part. I love hearing about people's crafty ideas. But oh my aching feet after 15 hours! I worked from 7am - 5pm for the hospital then worked from 530-1045p at Michaels. My tootsies were killing me!! Dug out my tennis shoes and planning to scrub them up to wear tomorrow. I actually like next week's schedule better.....I work tomorrow at ONLY Michaels then Friday I work ONLY at Michaels and it will be a late night but no work on Saturday morning!!
Hopping into the kitchen to make some 'no bake' cookies for lunches. Doing some wash. Cleaning the bathroom and then making some crafy things. I want more decorations for my new office. I need one more black frame for my desk....Mom, remember the one I got at Hobby Lobby? Love it. I have my own office now at Homecare/Hospice and it needs some decor.
Started thinking about Christmas gifting.......HELP! I have three nieces that my boys swap with and a crazy sister in law that gave us a 'theme' this year of .....LIQUID! My boys have to give gifts to the girls that are 'liquid'. Thinking perfume....nail polish....polish remover....??? Any ideas?
Oh by the way.....ZERO deer!! Buckless hunters are just having fun in the woods I think? :-)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mesenteric Lymphadenitis
Leave it to my boys to teach me something new. Steven had a trip to the ER last week and they debated between his appendix and kidney stones.....and when we left they called in kidney stones. The pain came back was horrible again with a fever....took him to our doc today and he sent us for a STAT CT Scan. I was with Steve at the hospital from 1030am to 2pm......the dr called in to give us the results....and he rattled off that big old name above.....then broke it down for me.
On antibiotics now and back to the dr on Wed!
I am off to a wrestling meeting at J High.......Ta da......and tomorrow BOTH jobs!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
deer camp
What a week
Dad- took him to the U of M appt yesterday. Love that doctor. She is the clinical instructor as well as a dr at the clinic...she is so smart and boy she looks the part too. They have ruled out neuropathy as his diagnosis....found some protein in his blood work. Therefore 19 more vials were taken yesterday and we need to see a hemotolgist in Muskegon as soon as possible. The type of protein found can be a link to bone marrow cancer and it fits many more of his symptoms. (made him a little more nervous, of course, to hear that 'C' word again!! ) He is scheduled for a spinal tap and 3 CT scans in a couple weeks at the U of M. This dr is on a mission to figure out 'what is going on'...FINALLY! :-) You can just see it in her....she is a 'prove it to me kind of gal' kind of it.
Koda - senior pics are back...loving them!! He is busy at school and hunting. I think he still lives here? Not liking that he is so independent now days. Where did the days go? and he is full wrestling mode....season starts Monday and he is pumped!
Jake - not wrestling. Planning to just do the weight lifting program that starts after Thanksgiving break through the winter then on to baseball and back to football. However, he is still being challenged and prodded to we will see?
Me- who am I? the crazy lady that is on the go trying to keep her days straight? Oh yeah, that IS me. Life is good. Busy is good. Started my new job at but seems as though they are having issues with scheduling me? ha ha I told them I could NOT work on Wed and Thurs....called on Wed to get my schedule for this coming week....she said quite cheerfully we have you on Wed and Thurs from 530 to close. HUH? Believe me, I know scheduling is a challenge and can be trying, as I schedule 35 nurses, HHA, therapists but it was on paper and in the computer - we checked the week before? lol Oh well. I am working Thursday THIS time but cannot on Wed as that is a big meeting about the TX hold em tournament fundraiser we are hosting and working at!!
Life is good. It's all good. lol
Steve Sr- hmm? thinking he is the man that comes around here sometimes? Hunting, working, hunting, working, and sometimes he stops in for a meal with us.
They are all going hunting tonight....setting up a little 'deer camp' so they can spend the night out there together and such. I am not to myself with just my little girl, Riley! (however, I am working noon-4p in intake (normal office job) I may not see them before they go?)
Have a great weekend
Monday, November 09, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
the chef is in!!
I have spent the whole weekend wither buying food or preparing's a list of what I have made so far.....
white choc macadamia nut cookies- the kind from the fundraisers
Choc chip cookies - break n bake
PB & J cookies - homemade and a HIT
individal pizzas for dinner....including a Buffalo Chicken pizza that they all loved
choc chip pancakes/ pumpkin pancakes - for the boys
Bagel/egg/bacon sandwiches for Steve and I
Ham spread for sandwiches - thanks Mom for the hand grinder - we LOVE IT and the boys had fun cranking
Homemade Bean Soup - smells so good simmering
Pumpkin Crunch Chex Mix for lunches and afterschool snack
and I am heading back to the kitchen to work on next week meal preparations....burger time! Fry some and season some, patty some and ????
I am trying to make the actual cooking on the weekdays simple as our schedules are growing more complicated. I am working at Michaels right after my FT job tomorrow and I will home close to 10pm. PLUS it is hunting season! I really do want them to be able to go and enjoy the season they love. It is tough to not start hating the season as men do not know how to balance hunting and anything else. errrg!
OH! I need a dessert to take Tuesday night.....hmmm, what can I make? or can Steve make Tuesday after work? Brownies? Something fall-ish but easy!
*edit Thinking this is what I am making for Tuesday!! :-)
I'll be back! XOXO
Friday, November 06, 2009
Love this...
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Great pics
Grandma and her babies
Had to share a couple great pics from a couple weekends ago before my mom headed out for TX!
Monday, November 02, 2009
i want to blog
I have taken on a new part-time job....we'll see how this goes. Michaels hired me as seasonal part time....the pay is not high....but it will help with Christmas! and....I get a 25% discount on regular priced items! woo hoo. Make your shopping lists and I will happily share the wealth!
What's new with you?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Making muffins gallore to freeze - the boys love grabbing one in the morning, popping it in the microwave on their way to school. They used to be such wonderful eaters in the morning...healthy eaters too!! Now I am stuck with a gazillion boxes of cereal and no one is eating it. Hoping that will change when wrestling starts!! *Thanks Beth for the idea - freezing muffins for easy peasy breakfast for boys on the run.
**Super simple muffins....1 can of pumpkin (15 oz) and a white cake mix. Same for applesauce- I used 2 cups of cinnamon applesauce with a cake mix.
Yesterday I went to my first card camp. It was fun. I ended up with loads of great cards....12 I think, a treat box idea, and fun with some girls from work. I will post pics a little later to the blog when I can get to the camera and pc...using my little junk laptop now as I am hiding out in the kitchen enjoying MY time.
I am counting down the days to my weekend away with the girls!! WooHoo! 2 nights in a hotel with no alarms. Funny, I am still an early riser....planning to just escape and let people sleep if those alarms sound before everyone else. I pinky swear! I am most excited to have a weekend to hang out with my friends. * 5 more days!!
Jake is better. I am convinced we saw H1N1 up close. Fevers for 5 days all over 101 and as high as 103.6, lethargic, yucky nose, cough, sore throat! They tested him for everything but H1N1 - strep negative, chest x ray negative, mono negative. He has been on Keflex for a week and Tylenol cold. When they called me with the final negative result....she said sounds like it might just be the flu but we want him to stay on antibiotocs because pneumonia usually comes as a secondary infection with H1N1.....H what? I asked on Monday if they thought it might be and they said NO! and that they no longer test for it. Just treat the symptoms and keep a close eye on anyone you suspect is not feeling well. It comes on quick and hits hard!! Encourage the hand sanitizer, washing your hands! They are telling us at the hospital that droplets can travel 6 ft when someone sneezes or coughs!! And the virus stays alive on toys, balls, countertops, etc for 4-8 hours!
J High freshmen football team had 7 kids out the same time Jake was out with the same symptoms! Some bounced back quicker than Jake some are still with fever. They are more from JV and Varsity! Gotta love those kids that put their mouth on the team water bottles. Mine knows better but we watched one at the last game do it and a few of us moms were commenting! They ditched the bottles at the last game and went to dixie cups and they have taped off the drinking fountain in the locker room!
Jake missed last weeks game and he was so bummed! They expected a win and were really looking forward to the break!! :-( They clobbered Northwest 48-18.
(Beth*Hense was not playing either- as he punched a kid and told him to F Off at the last game and was ejected and was unable to play the following game too!! I was sitting next to Jim when it happened and he muttered 'Thank God he is my last, I do not think my name nor my heart could take another' Poor guy has his hands full Jake is all his since Mmmma left. )
Guess I had better stop blabbering now...Hope you have a super Sunday!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Miss you
Jake has been sick and he has been absorbing loads of my time. I have been working part days...running to and fro....mono testing today - negative....but still 102 temps tonight!
Have to share a pic I LOVE! I am planning to partner this with a senior pic for his open house invites! First day and senior year!
How quickly this little guy grew to me a young man....where did the days go?

Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I am off and running
But on the flip side...I am working till noon tomorrow, then getting groceries for my hunter men, heading home to change clothes for the football game, and from the game....I am heading to my dad's. I will stay the night with him and get up and head to my mom's with my sis in law at 830am. Meeting the rest of the group at mom's and we are off at 930 for TC!
Insane Asyum here I come.
Have an awesome weekend....girls....have a great Friday girls get together! Miss me.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
a run down
I am thinking...about what I need to get ready for today and tomorrow.
I am thankful for...things we don't ask for (or think we want) but get anyway & weekends like this where the five of us are all together with no agenda other than to simply be together...until this evening
From the kitchen...more salsa to be canned. Poterhouse steaks from the freezer tonight, brownie minis for lunches to be baked
I am creating...Halloween cards and a few'other cards
I am going...with Koda this evening for session 2 of his senior pics....tonight is indoor
I am reading... My Sister's Keeper
I am hoping...that this cold thing is on the up swing. Ruined my scrappin plans for yesterday totally....started running a fever and never shook it until 1130pm.
I am hearing...a peaceful house all still asleep...just a fan running
Around the house...YUCK. a mess. Remember I was in bed with fevers yesterday? all the menfolk were on their own
One of my favorite that when I am sick 3 boys take darn good care of me. Taking my temp, filling my glass telling me to drink, giving me more Tylenol or Advil. Good boys!! xxoo
A few plans for the rest of the week...Senior pics tonight, trip to Michaels with Jake for a school project, work early on Wed - 6am!!, early leave on Thursday and a football game and heading north afterwards, then Friday the girls leave for Traverse City - Girls weekend 2009! We are heading to the old State Insane Asylum or States Hospital and then a winery tour. OH! and a Patsy Cline show too!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Growing up....
I really do not feel like I have had enough time to prepare them for this ugly world! Yet, Dakoda is a senior already! Where did the time go?
He has been trying on 'new shoes' in life's little shop of treasures!! He has been trying real hard to get as grown up as he can since he received his license. Unfortunately he has received some lil heartbreaks too.
- Skipping school because he 'needed to ease into his senior year!' NOPE didn't fly....the truck was parked.
- Hmm, lead foot? Not me? Yep! Received his first and LAST speeding ticket on Monday in his own driveway!! WOO HOO! Yep, he was 'coasting' down the hill from his Gma's to our house....and was clocked at 40 in a 25! The cop cut him a break down to just 5 over. $100 and 2 pts. His dad is going to join him in a meeting with the magistrate (aka court jester) to see if they will waive the points! He sure is hoping they will since I suggested the extra $$ my insurance will go up will come from his 'fun $$'.
All in all he is an awesome kid. and he is learning from these errors...and I can't say it's abnormal for kids to try these stunts ( I think I might have? once? except no tickets yet!)....but I thought mine were perfect and above that? HA HA
Sunday, September 06, 2009
school clothes?
Busy week...thankfully it is a short one.
Tues -back to school - 1/2 day - football practice
Wed- full day of school. - practice - football dinner....have to provide 5 lbs of taco meat and sour cream
Thurs - school and game
Fri - school and back to school dance - and FRESHMEN lock in! They go to the dance then stay in the school until 6am on Saturday!!
My calendar is completely full through October! WOO HOO!! Lots of fun stuff planned!! Girls getaway with the family, a trip to meet the Hamlin's, a birthday- going away celebration for my mom, a scrapbook weekend with my fav girls.
I love FALL!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
I made 15 pints of homemade salsa this weekend. It is YUM-O!
We made salsa 2 years ago but this is MUCHO yummier! The
boys want to put salsa on EVERYTHING and to just eat it salsa
and chips for every meal. Love it.
Big day for Koda today. He got his license in the mail....the real thing!
and he is now dual enrolled in J High and Baker. He will get credits from
both....and could finish his senior year with 24 -30 credit hours towards
his PTA certification! What an awesome start ! These credits can transfer
to other colleges if he choses to move to a different school. EXCITING!
Thes BEST is totally FREE to us while he is in high school. No
tuition and no books to buy! He will go to college from 7:45am-11:45am
then lunch and off to J High for 2 classes! On Fridays he only has afternoon
classes at J High - no classes at Baker.
Boys schedules this week are crazy busy! Which means I am running in
several directions after work....and of course work is NUTS! Don't they usually
go hand in hand?
Have an awesome week to all of my readers.....HA HA!
(I think everyone gave up on my blogging!)
on me.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
First game of the season
Sunday, August 23, 2009
what's going on?

Ist foornall scrimmage....complete. Now this week we start with the 1st game of the season. JV and Freshmen at home against Holland West Ottawa!!
The poor varsity kids have to travel all the way to Holland West Ottawa Fridya night....that will be a late night!! 2 hours + travel!!

Just a fun collage from MI Adventure last weekend.
This weekend id just flying by.....
- Dad had the open MRIs done here in Jackson on Friday...then tried again on Sat for the last one....and was unable to complete....he stuggles with panic attacks. Poor guy.
- Dakoda's bday yesterday was FUN. We took him out to breakfast in town to Marrer's? (not sure that's right?) then home for some 'hometime'. Then we went to DQ for Blizzards in the afternoon for ?lunch? ha ha ....then last night no one was really hungry for dinner so we had chicken nuggets n fries while watching a movie. He bought a steering wheel cover and floor mats for his truck with the $moolah we gave him! Looks sharp!
- Today....made the kids breakfast then started baking!! Made 2 loaves of blueberry zucchini bread....making muffins to freeze and then 70+ MONSTER cookies for the dinner on Wednesday for the football team!! (yes, I have to bring 70 cookies!! still wondering if it wouldn't be easier to go to Sam's and buy 70 cookies!!)
- Koda and Steve Sr are going bass fishing this afternoon!! So we are doing dinner SOON.
Next week....
Monday - Steve Sr on vacation for the day....taking Koda to test for his license and hopefully make it to DMV before they close. Jake football from 3-6p
Tuesday - Jake football 3-6p
Steve Sr take my dad to doctor at 3:30
Wednesday- Jake football 3-6p then dinner to follow
(they feed the entire team a meal the day before the game!! and the parents all provide the food!! - which is why I am making 70 cookies!!)
Thursday- Jake's first game at 4:30p
Friday - TGIF
Weekend - Chelsea Fair truck and tractor pulls!! (earplugs needed!!)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
where did the time go?
- I am back to work.
- Football is in full swing. First scrimmage is tomorrow at 10am. Jakob is playing freshman football....he did not want to try out for Varsity when offered and he turned down JV. He wants more play time? I did not try to persuade him....his choice this year! :-)
- The garden is producing loads of produce. Freezing loads of zucchini, beans....
- Someone stole Jake's phone out of his locker today..kicked his lock off his football locker...and it was GONE! 3rd phone this week from the football team? Jake and Jake think they know who and the coaches think they may have an idea too.
- Steve II has grown like the garden this summer....measured them a couple weeks ago....he is 13 and 6 ft tall! He was wearing a 10.5 shoe last a 12.5/13! HELP!
- We took the kids to Michigan's Adventure last weekend for Dakoda's birthday. It was H O T!! and these crazy boys did not want to visit the water park ?? They rode coasters and carnival like rides. It was fun. The extra child is my nephew Richard!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
What do you THINK?
~ Steve Jobs
Thinking I am going to put this in a frame and hang in the boys' room?
Makes you think, huh? Like it...A LOT!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Dr. Scott is not fond of the fact that 2 of 3 of my insisons are encountering problems. However, we have come to the conslusion that my body is not dissolving the is rejecting them! Which is causing the issues
BUT....I do have an approximate return to work date...August 17th!
What to do with myself until then....
1. Need to do list
plan for upsoming activities
2. Want to do list
enjoy sunshine
3. Reality list
make menus ?
Today looks like a beautiful day is ahead....hoping to enjoy some sunshine.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Full of Beans!
YES I said 51 pounds....we have our garden in the backyard then we have more on the lot behind us. OH MY! My freezer is FULL of beans...literally!
Thinking Jake and Steve will be sitting on the corner selling green beans with the sweet corn guy!
Anyone in the area in need of green beans....c'mon over! Would you like them...fresh or frozen?
Lovin the sealer machine Dad gave is perfect. The bags are a little $$ pricey but well worth they freeze up wonderfully!
Back to the doctor tomorrow...thinking he may spring me soon. However, I do have a new infection in an incision and a lump under another incision (my opinion, as if it counts, I think my body rejects the sutures....seems each time I clean the sore I pull out another un-disolved suture! note to Dr. Scott...need to try a new kind!) .....and having my hormone levels checked tomorrow to see if I need the replacement patches or no?
Thank you Hamlin's again for allowing us to have the boys! I had an awesome time with all of them from the time we picked them up til we dropped them off. Awesome kids. Hope we can do it again sometime...before next summer.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Christmas in July 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
2 zucchini....
Monday, July 20, 2009
I feel good....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Smile and Laughter Therapy
although it is from a camera phone- it is will get the jist of it.
DORK teenagers. :-)
*Still running fevers....ugh! Started antibiotics yesterday but still lingering. Sounds like maybe some lab work and maybe tests to see what is causing this? Let's hope it will just end with the antibiotics.