Hope your day is the BESTEST!!
YOU deserve the royal treatment !!
Hope this finds everyone staying warm -
The boys have been doing the snow dance all evening hoping for all of the storm we were warned about- SNOW DAY! SNOW DAY!
Good night.
We were discussing the need for some new decorations for the outside of the house...and the boys found him in the Walgreens ad in Sunday's paper! Could not resist!
He is perched on the porch right now but he is heading for the front yard- maybe? I kind of like him on the porch!
Have you started putting up your holiday decorations??
Below is the reindeer Jakob had to decorate with family over the weekend....he will go up in their hallway at school for the Holidays. Yes, we used Mom's scrapbook stash- but he was totally into it. he was searching through my scraps and punches!! The wreath around his neck is actaully my BIG maple leaf punch and small circle. :-) He came home with just a brown reindeer cut out...and we added all of the colors and decorations. He and I had lots of funI made this over the weekend and was telling beth how yummy and easy it was....and by the way....it is all gone already!! I was going to make her a copy of the recipe...she thought a blog post would be great that way you could have it too ladies....let me know if you all try it
1 2/3 cups sugar 2 cups sifted flour
3 eggs 1 t. soda
1 cup oil 1 t. salt
1 t. vanilla 1 t. cinnamon
2 cups chopped apples 1 cup chopped nuts
(your choice of apples and nuts)
Mix sugar and eggs well. Add oil and vanilla; beat till creamy. Sift dry ingredients together then add to batter and mix well. Fold in apples and nuts. Pour into greased/ floured cake pan. Bake @ 375 for 45-50 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar while still warm! SO yummy and SO Simple!!
This is the back of the shirts we found and decided were a MUST HAVE after our WILD weekend away! (we even ran into Joe Morelli- are you a Janet Evanovich fan?) The shirts summed up the weekend well for us.......pssst, I'll tell my girls the stories later :-)
On Friday Sept 22nd we headed to the destination still unknown to all ....but MOM. I knew we were heading NORTH which I had been doing that and a little WEST since I left home on Thursday- soon I would fall into a body of water of some sort, ya think?? Everytime we asked- Mom said watch the signs....then Barb and I started the annoying "Mom, are we almost there?" "How much longer?" and God love my Mom, just like when I was a kid she kept her cool and just suggested that Barb and I try the sign or license plate game...and soon we would notice if the vehicle came to a stop. IT DID! We came to a STOP around 630 PM- do you know where we were?? Can you guess?? Did you peek??
Mackinaw City! The Bridge! Mackinac City! Kewadin Casinos!
Jake had fun learning how to fight and reel in a BIG lake catch,
however it broke loose just before they could get it in the boat!
Alyssa and Miah shared a birthday- they have been best of friends for about 7 yrs.
Miah moved to Detroit last year- her Daddy is a State Police officer and is now working with a K9 partner.
It was nice the girls were able to have a party together and have their friends all there too, Miah had her birthday a week before and Alyssa's is Today. 11 yrs ago it was also on Father's Day when she was born, made my brother one happy Daddy! She is his one and only, so far!
**Giggle note for all of you....Sat was the first time Jake and Stevie had been out to fish the Big Lake. The waves were 2-4 ft, so you can imagine it was a little wavy- and all three of my boys were ghostly white and puking! Jake was only one that came out of it and actually wanted to fight a fish...as you can see above. Stevie says he is not meant to be a fisherman for the big lakes now...I doubt we will get him back out again soon. Jake says he is going again as he promised his bud, Cory he would take him Big Lake fishing someday! Koda has gone before and says it was a fluke! LOL Gish golly I think I loved my shopping trip even more after I got that phone call!! LOL
Hope you all had a great weekend.